Source code for fsspec.implementations.arrow

import errno
import io
import os
import secrets
import shutil
from contextlib import suppress
from functools import cached_property, wraps
from urllib.parse import parse_qs

from fsspec.spec import AbstractFileSystem
from fsspec.utils import (

def wrap_exceptions(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
        except OSError as exception:
            if not exception.args:

            message, *args = exception.args
            if isinstance(message, str) and "does not exist" in message:
                raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, message) from exception

    return wrapper


[docs] class ArrowFSWrapper(AbstractFileSystem): """FSSpec-compatible wrapper of pyarrow.fs.FileSystem. Parameters ---------- fs : pyarrow.fs.FileSystem """ root_marker = "/"
[docs] def __init__(self, fs, **kwargs): global PYARROW_VERSION PYARROW_VERSION = get_package_version_without_import("pyarrow") self.fs = fs super().__init__(**kwargs)
@property def protocol(self): return self.fs.type_name @cached_property def fsid(self): return "hdfs_" + tokenize(, self.fs.port) @classmethod def _strip_protocol(cls, path): ops = infer_storage_options(path) path = ops["path"] if path.startswith("//"): # special case for "hdfs://path" (without the triple slash) path = path[1:] return path def ls(self, path, detail=False, **kwargs): path = self._strip_protocol(path) from pyarrow.fs import FileSelector entries = [ self._make_entry(entry) for entry in self.fs.get_file_info(FileSelector(path)) ] if detail: return entries else: return [entry["name"] for entry in entries] def info(self, path, **kwargs): path = self._strip_protocol(path) [info] = self.fs.get_file_info([path]) return self._make_entry(info) def exists(self, path): path = self._strip_protocol(path) try: except FileNotFoundError: return False else: return True def _make_entry(self, info): from pyarrow.fs import FileType if info.type is FileType.Directory: kind = "directory" elif info.type is FileType.File: kind = "file" elif info.type is FileType.NotFound: raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), info.path) else: kind = "other" return { "name": info.path, "size": info.size, "type": kind, "mtime": info.mtime, } @wrap_exceptions def cp_file(self, path1, path2, **kwargs): path1 = self._strip_protocol(path1).rstrip("/") path2 = self._strip_protocol(path2).rstrip("/") with self._open(path1, "rb") as lstream: tmp_fname = f"{path2}.tmp.{secrets.token_hex(6)}" try: with, "wb") as rstream: shutil.copyfileobj(lstream, rstream) self.fs.move(tmp_fname, path2) except BaseException: with suppress(FileNotFoundError): self.fs.delete_file(tmp_fname) raise @wrap_exceptions def mv(self, path1, path2, **kwargs): path1 = self._strip_protocol(path1).rstrip("/") path2 = self._strip_protocol(path2).rstrip("/") self.fs.move(path1, path2) @wrap_exceptions def rm_file(self, path): path = self._strip_protocol(path) self.fs.delete_file(path) @wrap_exceptions def rm(self, path, recursive=False, maxdepth=None): path = self._strip_protocol(path).rstrip("/") if self.isdir(path): if recursive: self.fs.delete_dir(path) else: raise ValueError("Can't delete directories without recursive=False") else: self.fs.delete_file(path) @wrap_exceptions def _open(self, path, mode="rb", block_size=None, seekable=True, **kwargs): if mode == "rb": if seekable: method = self.fs.open_input_file else: method = self.fs.open_input_stream elif mode == "wb": method = self.fs.open_output_stream elif mode == "ab": method = self.fs.open_append_stream else: raise ValueError(f"unsupported mode for Arrow filesystem: {mode!r}") _kwargs = {} if mode != "rb" or not seekable: if int(PYARROW_VERSION.split(".")[0]) >= 4: # disable compression auto-detection _kwargs["compression"] = None stream = method(path, **_kwargs) return ArrowFile(self, stream, path, mode, block_size, **kwargs) @wrap_exceptions def mkdir(self, path, create_parents=True, **kwargs): path = self._strip_protocol(path) if create_parents: self.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) else: self.fs.create_dir(path, recursive=False) @wrap_exceptions def makedirs(self, path, exist_ok=False): path = self._strip_protocol(path) self.fs.create_dir(path, recursive=True) @wrap_exceptions def rmdir(self, path): path = self._strip_protocol(path) self.fs.delete_dir(path) @wrap_exceptions def modified(self, path): path = self._strip_protocol(path) return self.fs.get_file_info(path).mtime def cat_file(self, path, start=None, end=None, **kwargs): kwargs["seekable"] = start not in [None, 0] return super().cat_file(path, start=None, end=None, **kwargs) def get_file(self, rpath, lpath, **kwargs): kwargs["seekable"] = False super().get_file(rpath, lpath, **kwargs)
@mirror_from( "stream", [ "read", "seek", "tell", "write", "readable", "writable", "close", "size", "seekable", ], ) class ArrowFile(io.IOBase): def __init__(self, fs, stream, path, mode, block_size=None, **kwargs): self.path = path self.mode = mode self.fs = fs = stream self.blocksize = self.block_size = block_size self.kwargs = kwargs def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): return self.close()
[docs] class HadoopFileSystem(ArrowFSWrapper): """A wrapper on top of the pyarrow.fs.HadoopFileSystem to connect it's interface with fsspec""" protocol = "hdfs"
[docs] def __init__( self, host="default", port=0, user=None, kerb_ticket=None, replication=3, extra_conf=None, **kwargs, ): """ Parameters ---------- host: str Hostname, IP or "default" to try to read from Hadoop config port: int Port to connect on, or default from Hadoop config if 0 user: str or None If given, connect as this username kerb_ticket: str or None If given, use this ticket for authentication replication: int set replication factor of file for write operations. default value is 3. extra_conf: None or dict Passed on to HadoopFileSystem """ from pyarrow.fs import HadoopFileSystem fs = HadoopFileSystem( host=host, port=port, user=user, kerb_ticket=kerb_ticket, replication=replication, extra_conf=extra_conf, ) super().__init__(fs=fs, **kwargs)
@staticmethod def _get_kwargs_from_urls(path): ops = infer_storage_options(path) out = {} if ops.get("host", None): out["host"] = ops["host"] if ops.get("username", None): out["user"] = ops["username"] if ops.get("port", None): out["port"] = ops["port"] if ops.get("url_query", None): queries = parse_qs(ops["url_query"]) if queries.get("replication", None): out["replication"] = int(queries["replication"][0]) return out